Impact Projects

Resolving Homelessness

Our goal in deploying these impact projects is to target root problems underlying the conditions and symptoms we see on the surface

  • For example, supplementing a veteran’s income while he/she reintegrates back into civilian life provides temporary relief and confidence:
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JobTraining and Replacement

Impact projects are direct services that are provided in the areas where social conditions are the underserved.


Our goal in deploying these impact projects is to target root problems underlying the conditions and symptoms we see on the surface. For example, supplementing a veteran’s income while he/she reintegrates back into civilian life provides temporary relief and confidence. Placing that veteran into a dynamic network of veteran friendly businesses provides the veteran with long-term opportunities. This gets more to the root of the problem.

Are we the right people to take this on?

With a tremendous amount of research, planning and partnering, we believe that we have the ability to generate the resources necessary to get individuals the assistance needed, provide those individuals with the best support and stay the course long enough to see results in the areas we target.

We will be employing the expertise of professionals and key stakeholders in the areas we target. Professionals will come from the most established academic institutions, the most experienced aid organizations and, of course, from those who experience these problems on a daily basis. Consider us “Resource Allocators”.

We will rely on the collaborative efforts of such experts and stakeholders to always ensure that we are approaching the RIGHT problems, in the RIGHT way, at the RIGHT time. For instance, we would not set out to initiate an after school fitness program in a particular community on our own. We would bring together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders from that community to craft the most insightful and results-oriented approach to the problem that everyone agreed was the most pressing.

How do we bring together a diverse group?

Through our Online Global Initiative Committee.

Our Signature Military Initiative: Female Veteran’s and Children Homelessness Initiative.